*** under construction ***


John Cameron

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HyperWall Help

This information is specific to the HyperWall

This site is currently under construction.

In order to see the most recent changes,
roll-over the red "under construction" menu option at the far right of the menu bar.

I am currently using this site to explore different ways of displaying data.
The home page is an attempt to portray Nasa's HyperWall-2.

This version has links to YouTube videos placed in individual cells.
The cells with video links will be highlighted.

-- Roll-Over a Cell - a picture of the video appears.
-- -- also a description will appear in the Green Monitor.
-- Click a Cell - links to a page with the video.
-- Click Green Monitor - Monitor displays red links to videos. Roll-over or click the red buttons, same as rolling-over video cells.
-- Click Green Montior again - toggles back to words.
-- Click "View All" button - all video cells appear. (toggleable)
-- Click "Big Pic" button - a larger picture of the video appears by the man at the lower right. (toggleatized)
-- Click the other HyperWall icons at the bottom, and different Hubble shots appear on the HyperWall. (non-toggleated)

That's it for now.. have fun.

© Copyright 2012 by John Cameron. All rights reserved.
created by John Cameron